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BHC started years ago when a young, brash personal trainer with strong hair product (Jerome) met and fell in love with a beautiful woman who taught Yoga (Sara).  He loved training and she loved Yoga.  He tried to get her to lift weights and do cardio whilst she tried to get him to stretch more, calm down and practice mindfulness.  (At the time he thought she was a bit cuckoo but he never told her.  He hopes she'll never find out).

One day she finally convinced him to do Yoga and he convinced her to try fitness training.  Their lives changed instantly!  They suddenly realised that their health regimes were limited and were missing out.  To attain complete physical and mental health, Fitness and Yoga together is a lethal combination!  They now want to share the message to everyone that Fitness and Yoga are both great by themselves; but together it is a perfect blend of everything you want in health.

Now Jerome and Sara have two beautiful kids which, although a handful, give them so much joy. Juggling 2 kids, a small business and keeping themselves fit & healthy, their lives are full on. Knowing how busy life can get, they’re now dedicated to helping busy people get fit, tone up, reduce stress and lower anxiety.

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